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We, at Rosenstein Law Group, firmly believe in higher education and supporting those who seek a degree in what they’re passionate about, which is why we are offering a $500 scholarship to an undergrad or grad student in 2016.  The $500 is intended to help an individual with their financial responsibilities so they can focus on their studies.

To be eligible to receive the scholarship of $500, we ask that you write and submit a short essay to us.  We are looking for a 400-600 word essay about your most meaningful achievements and how they relate to your field of study and your future goals. The deadline for this scholarship is May 31st, 2016; shortly afterward, we will review each submission and notify the recipient of the 2016 Rosenstein Law Group Scholarship.

If you have any questions about the scholarship, please feel free to fill out our convenient online contact form below.

We appreciate your interest and look forward to reading your submission!


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